Loropetalum – How To Grow Chinese Fringe Flowers?

Loropetalum - How To Grow Chinese Fringe Flowers?

Loropetalum is famous for beautifying gardens and creating shade for the house. It’s also easy to grow and requires minimal maintenance, which means you don’t need to spend much time or energy taking care of them. If you’re a new gardener and desire to learn more about this beautiful plant, this post will give you a big help. We will provide you with steps to grow loropetalum and how to care for them in detail!

What Is Loropetalum?


Loropetalum is known as Chinese fringe flowers. They are native to China, Japan and the Himalayas, yet easily well-adapted to South Carolina regions. Loropetalums have been introduced in America for over 140 years.

There are two different types of Loropetalum. One has colorful leaves that turn from green in springtime into shades of red in fall, while the other simply comes with white petals. Both of them attract butterflies and bees all year round due to their rich nectar.


Loropetalum is a plant that can adapt with partial sun and well-draining soil with pH fluctuating from 4.5 to 6.5. These flowers bloom in the springtime with different colors like pink, red, white, or yellow-white. The plant can grow up to 15 feet tall and live in country zones of 7, 8 and 9, such as China and Japan.

People love this plant for its beautiful colors – pink or white. Its flowers are 4-petaled, wavy and rougher than sandpaper. Its leaves have a rough underside to the touch, while its new growth stems and leaves are covered with pubescent fuzz. This evergreen shrub is rounded at first, but then it grows into an oval shape with branches in one plane. 

Loropetalums grow up quickly and need less water than other plants. Many people even consider loropetalum a great alternative to expensive trees like Japanese cherry blossom plants since they require less care.

How To Grow Loropetalum?

It is not difficult to grow these Chinese fringe flowers. There are a few steps that you will have to go through:


When you’re ready to plant, all needed are shovels for digging and loropetalum plants. The plants should be put in groups as they will look much better this way. Then, you can spread the mulch on the ground as this will help keep new roots moist while decreasing weeds.

Choosing Place To Plant

Loropetalum plants love to be in places where they can receive partial sun during the morning and afternoon shade. If you can give them both of these conditions, then it’s great! Otherwise, it is still fine. These plants also prefer slightly acidic soil. For the non-neutral soil, you can add fertilizer once a year to adjust its pH accordingly.

Choosing Time To Plant

Loropetalum can be planted at any time during the year. Note that if you grow them during the summer, they will need more water than usual to get established.

Planting Loropetalum

Step 1: Decide where you will plant your shrubs, then dig a hole for them.

Step 2: Gather the loropetalum from the pot and set it in the hole before leveling them with the ground.

Step 3: Add soil to surround your loropetalum plant. You can put mulch around the plants to help them keep moisture in the soil if necessary.

Step 4: Water your new shrubs thoroughly after planting them.

What Factors To Consider When Growing Loropetalum?

The growing process of Loropetalum requires many elements of nutrition. If you plan to grow these flowers, you can’t miss the following factors:


Water is one of the most important factors when caring for loropetalum. Depending on the developing stage of the plant, the water regimes also vary.

If it is a new and small plant, you had better water it several times a week. When the plant grows up, it will require less water. The required amount of water also changes if you plan to water to flower in the hot weather.


These plants do best in bright, sunny places that receive partial shade most of the day. If you are located in strong sunlight, they can handle it too!


When planting Loropetalum, make sure the soil has organic matter in it. The pH of the soil should be from 4.5 to 6.5 so that it can be well-developed. To lower the acidity levels, you can consider using aluminum sulfate.

Amendments And Fertilizer

Loropetalum requires no special fertilizers. If you want to add fertilizer, spring is the best time because it will be easier for roots to absorb nutrients. This is also when there aren’t any leaves at ground level in a 2-3 inch radius; therefore, no mulch for the plant to get nutritions from.

Temperature And Humidity

The Chinese fringe flower is best grown in zones 7-9. Although they can survive temperatures as low as -17.8°C and up to 0°F, you should still avoid planting this delicate flower in the harsh winter environment.

Diseases And Pests

Loropetalum is a robust plant that can fight against many issues. It’s resistant to factors like anthracnose, bacterial gall and mildew. However, it can be impacted by spider mites if grown in dry conditions.

How To Care For Loropetalum?

Below are different methods that you can take care of your lovely loropetalum:

Caring Loropetalum In Pots

If you don’t have enough space in your yard, planting loropetalum in pots is also a good choice. You should utilize the pots in ways that the plants can drain well and don’t forget to put them under sunlight.


People love to see their Loropetalum plants grow and flourish. When the flowers have died out, it is okay to cut down any dead or diseased branches and shape your tree as you prefer. You can let it grow taller for a more formal look or shorter for an informal appearance.


Loropetalum plants are easy to propagate by cuttings. You can take a softwood cutting in the spring or summer, remove some leaves from both ends, dip it into rooting hormone and plant them in a peat and perlite mixture.

Next, place the cutting part inside plastic bags so they don’t touch each other before watering them. Let their soil become moist and you will see the roots form within 4-6 weeks! You can then transplant your Chinese fringes outside once the next season comes around.

Winter Care For Loropetalum

Loropetalum plants grow slower in the winter, but they should be fine and not require much care. We recommend that you do not cut them or fertilize them during this time. You only need to water if there is drought. Make sure there is enough space between watering periods since the ground needs to dry up completely before being watered again.

What Are The Uses For Loropetalum?

Chinese fringe plants are best used as a foundation or border shrubs. They can also be espaliered, which is a process of training them to grow flat against the wall and provide an attractive screen for your home’s exterior. Over-pruning these beautiful flowers will cause their branches to lose their natural form. However, they’re easy enough for beginners with low-growing varieties like the Hillier Chinese fringe plant.

What Are The Varieties Of Loropetalum – Chinese Fringe Flowers?

The family of Chinese fringe flowers includes other members such as the following:

  • Loropetalum Chinense ‘Emerald Snow’
  • Loropetalum Chinense ‘Snow Dance’
  • Loropetalum Chinense ‘Carolina Moonlight’
  • Loropetalum Chinense var. Rubrum ‘Burgundy’
  • Loropetalum Chinense ‘Rubrum’

How To Choose The Right Loropetalum?

There are many types of loropetalum plants for you to choose from. Have a look at some of the applications below:

For Borders And Landscapes

If you want a larger impact, try using bigger plants. You can use them as hedges along your property line or plant them in the background of mixed borders to make it look more natural and attractive than just regular shrubs alone would.

For Slopes And Hillsides

In case you are trying to prevent erosion, you should plant short plants along the sides of slopes and tall banks. Some good choices would be something like Jazz Hands Mini or ‘Purple Pixie’.

For Containers

Dwarf varieties of plants look great in pots. They require little water and don’t take up much space, making them perfect for small areas such as an entryway, patio, or deck!

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been looking for a way to add some color and bring life into your home, look no further. You can now plant lovely loropetalum flowers by yourself! Loropetalums are beautiful plants that come in many different colors. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting, we hope this post was informative to you. Get started on this project right away. Good luck!

Last Updated on 3 years by admin